A Rare Presentation Of Lipoma: Case Of Preputial Lipoma

  • Aakansh Jain, Dr plastic surgeon, AIIMS BHOPAL, INDIA http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7776-7424
  • Manal M Khan, Dr. Department of burns and plastic surgery, AIIMS BHOPAL, INDIA
  • Rohit Namdev, Dr. urologist,AIIMS BHOPAL,INDIA


Penile lipoma itself is a very rare finding. Over which preputial lipoma is not reported previously so this case of a 33-year-old married male is probably the first documented case of preputial lipoma where it causes sexual dysfunction.

Author Biographies

Aakansh Jain, Dr, plastic surgeon, AIIMS BHOPAL, INDIA
Former Senior Resident, Department of burns and plastic surgery, AIIMS Bhopal, India
Manal M Khan, Dr., Department of burns and plastic surgery, AIIMS BHOPAL, INDIA
Head of Department and associate professor, Department of burns and plastic surgery, AIIMS Bhopal, India
Rohit Namdev, Dr., urologist,AIIMS BHOPAL,INDIA
Former Senior Resident, Department of burns and plastic surgery, AIIMS Bhopal, India


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How to Cite
JAIN, Aakansh; KHAN, Manal M; NAMDEV, Rohit. A Rare Presentation Of Lipoma: Case Of Preputial Lipoma. J Soc Surg Nep, [S.l.], v. 26, n. 2, p. 79-80, dec. 2023. ISSN 2392-4772. Available at: <https://jssn.org.np/index.php?journal=jssn&page=article&op=view&path%5B%5D=https%3A%2F%2Fdoi.org%2F10.3126%2Fjssn.v26i2.63629>. Date accessed: 17 feb. 2025.